Wow, that sucks, Tyler. Weather here is awesome, although I cant enjoy it out on the course due to the fact that I started feeling a tad achy saturday afternoon at work, along with a shit ton of drainage down my throat, and a feeling of buildup in my lungs. No fever. Went to work sunday morning, and after discussing it with my supervisor, he sent me home. Pretty sure it's an upper respiratory infection like I get every year this time around harvest. Seems dust is the primary enemy of my respiratory health. Went to a "fast clinic" yesterday. It's a sit in your car and call kinda deal since the Rona.
Three hours in the car, an hour in the room, only to tell me that she, in fact, thinks it's a "seasonal allergy" event. Anyway, quarantined until the Rona test results come back Wednesday.
Even got a call from my HR dept. over this.
Anyway, I digress..
Such a waste of good weather