got an email actually on Wednesday that said she wasn't coming and that she just wants to move on with her life... so idk... I played my last card Wednesday night, see if that works. Otherwise iam at a loss, not sure what to do anymore.
nothing at all...Dude that's totally lame!!! Has she at least given you a reason or reasons?
Stupid Tapatalk
thx fellows, dunno how much more of this I can take, sucks coming home to an empty house. gonna go crazy on the weekends
I know it’s easier said than done, but try to get out of your head brother. Your mind is a powerful tool that can work for or against you..try to stay positive and you will be alright. No matter what, you have your life, your friends, your family, and a fucked up bunch of guys on the inter webs who think you’re alrightyou’ll get through it in the end man, regardless of the outcome!