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Pray for me


The Chosen One
Staff member
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Please pray for my wife. Got home Friday night to find out my wife disappeared and took things / money with her. No idea what is going on to come to this at all either. Complete blindside.

Also please pray for my father that goes into surgery today for a very bad leg infection he got. Has been in critical care for almost a week now.

Very tuff times for me.


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John, don't hesitate to speak up if you need anything - groups like this one are strong, and can provide a great deal of support during tough times. Some of my best friends IRL, I've met on forums like this, and sometimes when you have a lot of fucked up shit going on, it really helps to be able to have people you can turn to - for advice, or to vent, or sort through your thoughts and ideas, or just get shitfaced drunk together. If nothing else, just being able to get your mind off of the stressful things for a short while can be a huge relief and make you better equipped to handle them. You gotta take care of yourself in order to take care of the issues at hand, and I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will say the same thing I'm saying here - pm me or post up here, either is fine, if there's ANYTHING I can do


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HOLY CRAP WHAT THE SHIT?!?!?!! Sorry to hear all of this. Prayers sent. There are 2 things that have really helped me get though my tough times mentally at least.

1: I honestly believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. This mindset allows you see the "silver lining" and make the best of a bad situation.

2: AA Shit that I think works to help keep your sanity. As stupid as it sounds saying this repeatedly and trying to understand what it ACTUALLY means helps me keep my head on straight.
God, grant me the SERENITY to ACCEPT the things I CAN NOT change, COURAGE to change the things that I CAN, and WISDOM to know the difference.

Hope this helps. Stay strong brother!

Stupid Tapatalk


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Damn John, not much I can say that the other guys haven’t already said. If there is anything we, or I, can do feel free to reach out brother. Try and keep your head up. I truly hope things turn around for the better. Sending out positive thoughts for your dad too. So sorry to hear you’re going through all this buddy.
