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Today's Cheese


The Chosen One
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Kaaslust Torba Casa Gouda

Torba Casa is made from fresh, full-bodied jersey milk and a lactic acid culture from northern Italy. This cheese is the result of Dutch cheese science, combined with the typical taste of Mediterranean cheeses. Kaaslust has created this cheese with a light Parmesan flavor and an unmistakably Italian character!
Kaaslust is a traditional cheese factory, located in the restored dairy factory of Veenhuizen. A former colony of the Society of Benevolence, nominated by UNESCO as a world heritage site.


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The Chosen One
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Mozzarella di Bufala DOP by Casearia Casabianca

Azienda Agricola Casabianca is located in Lazio, south of the Agro Pontino area in a pristine valley of green pastures of the Plain of Fondi- just 3 km. from the Mediterranean coast and close to the National Park of Circeo. Mediterranean buffalos have been bred here as long as anyone can remember - in fact, water buffalos were introduced to southern Italy around the year 1000.
This spectacular fresh stretched curd cheese is DOP, which means it is produced under strict guidelines. The DOP production area extends from southern Lazio to the northern part of Campania, and some areas of Apulia.

Enjoy this authentic buffalo milk mozzarella with prosciutto and salami, on pizza, in a sandwich, or our favorite, simply with fresh tomato and basil and EVOO.

Please note this product is flown in fresh from Italy and typically has a short shelf life. Best enjoyed within 7 days of delivery.



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Mozzarella di Bufala DOP by Casearia Casabianca

Azienda Agricola Casabianca is located in Lazio, south of the Agro Pontino area in a pristine valley of green pastures of the Plain of Fondi- just 3 km. from the Mediterranean coast and close to the National Park of Circeo. Mediterranean buffalos have been bred here as long as anyone can remember - in fact, water buffalos were introduced to southern Italy around the year 1000.
This spectacular fresh stretched curd cheese is DOP, which means it is produced under strict guidelines. The DOP production area extends from southern Lazio to the northern part of Campania, and some areas of Apulia.

Enjoy this authentic buffalo milk mozzarella with prosciutto and salami, on pizza, in a sandwich, or our favorite, simply with fresh tomato and basil and EVOO.

Please note this product is flown in fresh from Italy and typically has a short shelf life. Best enjoyed within 7 days of delivery.



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My god that looks tasty!!!


The Chosen One
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Fromager d'Affinois with Truffles

Is there any way to make the rich, creamy Fromager d'Affinois any better? Oh, mais oui, just add black truffles! The supple body of these cheese is the perfect foil to carry over the earthy, garlicky, mushroom flavor and aroma of black truffles. Fromager d'Affinois with Truffles is perfect to start a special dinner, spread on baguettes, or to seductively melt over a fillet for a truffle finish touch. This luscious, Brie-like cheese comes from the Pilat Regional Park in France's Rhone-Alpes. Created by Fromagerie Guilloteau, Fromager d'Affinois ("fro-mah-ZHAY dah-fee-NWAH") is unique in the world of double cremes in that even as it progresses in age it still maintains a firm paste in the center. Unlike brie, however, this double-cream soft cheese is made using a special production process called "ultrafiltration." Ultrafiltration breaks down the fat molecules and removes water from the pasteurized cow’s milk. This concentrates all of the other components allowing for a rapid acceleration of the cheesemaking process, a more luscious texture and a higher protein and calcium content. Beneath the light, fuzzy rind is a gooey ring that becomes almost liquid at room temperature. Progressing further into the cheese, you find a smooth, rich cheese with the lovey taste of fresh butter and earthy mushrooms. Fromager d'Affinois is rich and creamy with a relatively high fat content of 60% that positions it about halfway between traditional brie (about 45%) and triple-creams like Saint André (about 75%). Fromager d'Affinois is a must-try for fans of Saint Andre, Boursaut, or Brie de Meaux. Enjoy this cheese with crisp white wines or champagne, along with apples, grapes, and walnuts.


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Bonne Bouche is the "flagship" of the Vermont Creamery company's new signature line. This hand-ladled, ash-ripened cheese was first introduced in 2001. "Bonne Bouche" literally means "good mouthful" and is a French term used to describe a tasty morsel. Bonne Bouche is simply that and won instant acclaim among chefs, retailers and food writers. It won first place for aged goat cheese at the American Cheese Society competition.
Vermont Creamery's Bonne Bouche is made from pasteurized milk and set in tubs for lactic coagulation for 24 hours. The following day, the cheese curd is carefully hand ladled into molds and drained overnight. The cheeses are then unmolded, ashed, and moved into the drying room and then into the aging room where the controlled environment is cool and humid. The entire process takes seven to ten days before the cheeses are packaged in their individual micro-caves.

Bonne Bouche can be enjoyed fresh or aged up to 45 days. As a young cheese, the rind has a distinct geotrichium flavor. The texture is mild, yet still acidic- like a fresh chevre. As the cheese ages, it becomes softer and the rind becomes drier and piquant.

Made from pasteurized goat's milk.
Photo depicts whole 4 oz. form of cheese.
Suitable for vegetarians.
Voted "Outstanding Goat Cheese" at the 2007 and 2012 NASFT Fancy Food Show, and Gold for Mold-Ripened Goat Cheese at the 2011 World Cheese Awards. Awarded 2nd in 2015 by the American Cheese Society for American Original Recipe made from goat's milk.


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Basket Cheese by Calabro
Calabro's basket cheese is an Easter tradition that is still made the old fashioned way, by hand. The whole milk curds are hand scooped and pressed into the basket molds while still warm. This cheese makes a beautiful table-top presentation when unmolded, showing off the "weaves" of the basket. Can be eaten fresh or used in the traditional baked Italian Easter Pie.
For over half a century, Calabro Cheese has been a leader in manufacturing Italian Artisanal Cheeses. Their products are handcrafted using farm fresh rBST-Free milk available from local dairy farmers across New England. Calabro Cheese has continued a great family tradition and has always committed to provide you the ultimate grade of premium Italian cheeses in the industry.



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The Stag - Handcrafted Bold Cheddar by Deer Creek

Chris Gentine of Artisan Cheese Exchange in Wisconsin is a Wisconsin Master Cheese Grader. He hand selects the best Wisconsin cheeses that will suit further aging. Deer Creek represents the outcome of this enterprise. For The Stag, Chris selected The Fawn, a traditional 22 lb. bandaged daisy wheel cheddar produced by Master Cheesemaker Kerry Henning of Hennings Cheese in Kiel, Wisconsin. The Fawn is an award winning, young (just over 90 days) cheese handcrafted from wholesome rBST-free milk from Wisconsin. The unique culture set gives this cheese a complex flavor with a sweet nuttiness.
Select vats of The Fawn are chosen for further aging to allow for the development of the intense, bold flavor characteristics of The Stag. It is rugged, driving strong toffee and butterscotch notes, yet possesses the sweet finish of The Fawn. As it ages (about 17 months), The Stag develops a hint of crystalline crunch to further enliven the taste buds with rich texture as well as flavor.
Chosen as one of the "101 Best Cheeses of the Year" by Culture Magazine.
Made from pasteurized cow's milk.
Photo depicts whole 22 lb. form of cheese.
We cut and wrap this item by hand.
International Cheese Awards 2015 – Gold
American Cheese Society 2015 – 2nd
World Cheese Awards 2014 – Silver
International Cheese Awards 2014 – Bronze
American Cheese Society 2014 – 1st
American Cheese Society 2013 – 1st


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Double Corona
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Ya'll are killing me with these cheese posts. I've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Doc says to cut everything I love basically. Cheese, red meat, you know, basically everything a red blooded American loves to eat. I'm envious.
I still steal a bit of cheese out of the fridge when the warden isnt looking. (My wife)

EDIT: And by the way, my problems are purely hereditary, as I'm 5'8", and 160 soaking wet.
Seems the hereditary cards dealt me a fucked up hand.... SMH


The Chosen One
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Ya'll are killing me with these cheese posts. I've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Doc says to cut everything I love basically. Cheese, red meat, you know, basically everything a red blooded American loves to eat. I'm envious.
I still steal a bit of cheese out of the fridge when the warden isnt looking. (My wife)

EDIT: And by the way, my problems are purely hereditary, as I'm 5'8", and 160 soaking wet.
Seems the hereditary cards dealt me a fucked up hand.... SMH
i have same issues myself, but dont think its genes related, probably just my fat ass lol, but ive dropped 90lbs in the last 9 months with keto. So hopefully those stats will go down in combination with meds


The Chosen One
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This very special semi-soft cheese comes from the Asiago region of the Italian Alps. A cheese that is easy to fall in love with, Trugole's fruity character is the result of rich milk from Alpine cows that graze on wild foliage and grasses in mountain meadows.
The high plains of the area known as Asiago, often referred to as the "Switzerland of Italy", include seven districts or boroughs. This region is well known for its rich grasses and pastures, and for magnificent fir trees. It is situated in the pre-Alps, north of Venice at an altitude between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. In the higher zones are the "Malghe" (or mountain pastures) where cows graze peacefully and some extraordinary cheeses are produced. In the smallest of the boroughs is a pasture by the very name of Trugole. Trugole is a small pasture surrounded by a forest of immense fir trees. It is breathtakingly beautiful, with some of the richest and most varied grasses found anywhere. It is here where they make Trugole cheese.

Trugole cheese, named for the rich pasture that produces it, is an artisan cheese, worked by hand from milk carefully selected from cows that eat only the forage from the grasses of this particular area. The cheesemaker uses only carefully selected cultures and a method of production that faithfully follows the traditional method from the mountains. Its curing and aging is also carried out in a very special manner. Each day the wheels are turned and treated with water and salt to preserve the soft texture of the paste (interior). After 60 days, the cheese reaches an ideal state for consumption.


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Double Corona
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i have same issues myself, but dont think its genes related, probably just my fat ass lol, but ive dropped 90lbs in the last 9 months with keto. So hopefully those stats will go down in combination with meds
Great to hear about the weight loss, and glad to see your better half with you on your vacation.
I still think I'm gonna order some of this cheese before too long. Life's too short not to enjoy it


The Chosen One
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Prairie Breeze Cheddar

Family farms in Iowa provide the exceptionally fresh milk that forms the backbone of Prairie Breeze's smooth, grassy flavor. Prairie Breeze is characterized as a hybrid between cheddar and the Alpine-style of Emmental cheeses. Yet it has nutty tones and a savory finish that distinguish it from all other cheddars. It's this interplay on the palate that keeps you reaching for "just one more" taste of this unique cheese. Although drier in texture than cheddar, it still melts well when you're looking to add a subtle nuance to your culinary endeavors. Milton Creamery, located in the Village of Milton, nestled in the rural countryside of Southeast Iowa, is where the Musser's, Rufus, Jane and Galen, find joy and fulfillment in their chosen occupation - handcrafting artisan cheeses.
The Mussers use high quality milk with no added RBST, produced on small Amish farms in the surrounding area to make an elite line of specialty cheese. Local farmers use time-honored methods, such as grazing in season, hand milking, and cooling the milk in bulk tanks. The Mussers bring the fresh milk into the plant, pasteurize it and make small batches of cheese using a special blend of cultures and a labor-intensive process for unique flavorful cheeses. The result is an array of artisan cheeses to tempt any appetite. Gute appetite!

Best of Class: Open Category, 2009 US Championship Cheese Contest, Wisconsin.

1st Place: Cheddar, 2009 American Cheese Society.
Gold Medal, 2010 World Cheese Contest, London. There were 5 Gold Medals awarded in the 9-12 month cheddar class, with Prairie Breeze being the only American winner.


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