My current program as described in an email I sent to a friend.
Here is the plan I am working on. It would be run as two repeating cycles the first time and followed by a deload in the seventh week, or switch to something with an easier first week. Alternatively you could retest your TM in week seven and use week eight to deload.
A + beside the rep count means the number is a minimum and you should do AMRAP with one or two left in the tank.
The first time through keep the training max at 85% of your best training lift. Add five pounds or ten pounds to your training max after the first cycle. If you run it a second time through after use 90% for your training max if you honestly think you can handle it.
The second movement percentages are based on your training max and not a true 1rm.
Week 1
Day 1
Squat 3x70%, 3x80%, 3+x90%(rep PR)
Spotto Press 5x5 @ 80% (three count pause)
Lunges 24-40 total reps
Pull-ups 24-40 total
Tricep Extension 24-40 total
Day 2
Dead Lift 3*70%, 3x80%, 3+x90%(rep PR)
Hex Bar Dead Lift 5x5 80%
Tbar Row 24-40 total
OHP or Push Press 24-40
Hamstrings 32-48 total
Day 3
Bench 3x70%, 3x80%, 3+x90%(rep PR)
Box Squat or pause squat 5x5 @ 80%
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown or cable pull over 24-40 (simulate unracking the barbell)
Hack or Leg Press 24-40 total
Abdominal Strengthening
Week 2
First movement 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+, 75%x5, 65%x5+
Second movement 5x3@85%
Week 3
Main movement 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Do three additional singles. Work up to 100+% if you feel like it will not negatively effect the rest of your workout.
Second Movement 5x5 @ 80%
I feel like the accessory work needs more tweaking. The main movement and second movement I like because it gets you more than one day working on squat and bench. Plus the second movement works as a supplemental to work on a different aspect of bench or squat without needing an extra day for isometric or dynamic work. It isn't ideal because the nervous system may be working on different types of activation in the same session. However, contrast training is shown to work and may aid in hypertrophy and/or breaking plateaus. Since this is meant to be run for six weeks, I think worrying too much about ideal CNS activation type may be unnecessary. This seems to be more of a peaking or break through workout.