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Looking for recommendations

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Hey guys,

Lately with as busy as I stay I've found it difficult to find time to sit down and properly enjoy a cigar. That being said I want to be able to smoke more. Any recommendations for decent sticks that have a 20-30 minute burn time?

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For a short time frame like that I usually go with Cracker Crumbs or Travailleurs both are from L'Atelier and come precut so you can set fire and smoke. For a step up I would point you towards Tatuaje Verocu #5 or Petite Cazadores. Abe Flores also make a great little half corona that would fit that time.


The Chosen One
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If you smoke quickly...
illusion rothchilde
illusion rothchilde conni
la palina bronze label bullet
Illusione ~33~
Cut lanceros in half? :p