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So it looks like I'm getting a divorce

EL Corojo

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I don't want it, it sucks but I'll be ok. Many of you guys know me from the other board and know that I slacked off participation a little over a year ago to handle some family stuff. Well, I quit drinking on January 1st 2019 and have not had a drop since. My wife was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after a severe bout with postpartum depression. She got manic and told me she waned a divorce then, but then returned to normal. Then it happened again and again. Over the last two months we had become closer than we had been in 10 years, I fell in love with her all over again, like new love man. Then one day she got depressed and refused to get out of bed, this happened for an entire weekend. It is always the same pattern but she can not see it. It is real to her. So....I literally have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, she has a masters degree in mental health counseling, but those years of training and experience don’t do anything but make everything worse. She can't see it, her illness, and I can not make her see it. It happens exactly the same way every time. I have basically been living as the single parent of two little guys now 5 and 1.5. While she is either lying in bed unable or unwilling to face the world, or friggin starting a new business on top of haviing a full-time job. She is never here when she is manic or she just comes home talks about how "overstimulating" the boys and I are and goes outside and drinks until she comes in and goes to bed. I do 90% of everything including watching the kids while she works on her business. That would be ok if she didn't also open a separate personal account and puts all the money she makes from the buisiness in that account. This started when our 1.5 year old was two months old. It was so extreme that he for a long time only showed affection to me. I believe that to serve another is the highest aspiration of the human heart, so I've done that with gratitude. When the mania hits she cant even recognize anything that I do for her. Its is always "I always take care of the kids" she cannot see the truth even if it is staring her in the face. Then she blames me for all of her issues; and denies that she even has bipolar. THIS IS Where all of my smoking time went.

With all of that, I love her so much. I'd lay down my life for her.
I want us to be together.
But her getting this divorce is kind of a relief after this three year battle.
I'm tired.

I look

Let me know if anybody wants to vHERF LATE tomorrow; I MIGHT BE ABLE TO MAKE IT.
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EL Corojo

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Sorry about this post guys. I didn’t mean to get all weird. I just needed to talk to some of you guys who I’ve shared a lot of late night cigars with. I could not figure out how to delete. Divorce sucks. This will be number two and I’m only 43.


The Chosen One
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Sorry about that Lee. I went through some trouble myself, 1 year to the date tomorrow. Luckily weve been willing to work together to fix the issues on both our ends and be more open and honest with each other instead of sweeping things under the rug.

I hope for the best for you, your family, and pray that your marriage somehow makes it through these troubling times.


Corona Gorda
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I too am sorry to hear this. I just went through divorce number 2 late last year. My ex was severely depressed and did not want to do anything about it. It was driving me crazy, but instead of taking your route and trying to make things work, i grew tired of it and strayed. (Not the way it should have gone down) but i did not man up and face it.
Instead, she is back in CA and i am now happy with the other woman. Happier than i have ever been.
I wish you the best, brother.
I'm bummed for you man. As a fellow turntablist and beat lover, all I can offer you is some tasty beat treats to get your mind of things. Keep moving forward and don't look back! If only you could see a Hardkiss show in your town.🙏🙏🙏


Corona Gorda
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Hey brother, so sorry that you are going through this but take it from me, things will get better. You just need to concentrate on you and your little ones. No one else. If you know in your heart you tried then that's enough. Focus yourself on you kiddos. Good luck to you.


Double Corona
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I know we havent had any direct interaction to speak of, you were always a familiar name on the other board. Hate to hear about this, and will be praying for you and your family. Like others have already said, we're here anytime to need to talk. That's what a brotherhood is. Would love to burn one with ya via V-herf sometime