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Vacation time: Key West


Double Corona
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So after 8 hours worth of delays from Amarillo to Key West due to weather delays in Dallas, We arrived last night about 12:30am. Got up around 6:30 and walked around while the wife slept in. Only two blocks from the southernmost point in the US, and right off Duval st.(Simonton st) and the south end of the island.

Packed 10 of my finest Cuban cigars for the trip, and in my approx 1 mile of walking, found three different cigar shops. Doesn't look like anything opens here til at least 9.



The Chosen One
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Double Corona
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Be sure to check out the little whitehouse, ernest hemingway house, decommissioned coast guard ship.

had some good food at hole in wall place called
Went through the Hemingway House this morning. Beautiful property. About got into a fight a the bar on the property here. Family showed up, and one of the kids was covering up the light in the sand underneath where u was sitting, causing a strobe effect. I asked the kid ," Do you mind?"
His dad immediately jumped up and asked what the problem was. I said his child is fucking up the ambience. He said, " SO what???" I said "Just trying to enjoy the ambience"
Fucker bowed up on me. I said that all I'm trying to do is enjoy the island.
He finally cooled off. Fuck these guys that don't watch their kids.
It's ridiculous. I kindly asked the boy do you mind. Fucking assholes live everywhere


Corona Gorda
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Make sure you buy some cigars off the beach from the Coo-ban dealers.

And next time someone gets out of line, kick em dead in the balls and jab a finger in their eye / karate chop them in the throat. MFs shut up real fast when you start twisting them up.

Punk ass kids and their scrub ass parents.


Double Corona
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Almost told him I was epileptic, and flashing lights fuck me up, but Kharma is a bitch, and I'm not epileptic......
Other than 1 cocksucker, it's been great here.
Key West is pretty open minded, and tons of gays around, but even they aren't bothering anyone. Have to fly out tomorrow morning. Hate to go back to Texas.Beautiful here.
EDIT: It is hotter than hell here today. 96* with 100% Humidity....


Corona Gorda
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Almost told him I was epileptic, and flashing lights fuck me up, but Kharma is a bitch, and I'm not epileptic......
Other than 1 cocksucker, it's been great here.
Key West is pretty open minded, and tons of gays around, but even they aren't bothering anyone. Have to fly out tomorrow morning. Hate to go back to Texas.Beautiful here.
EDIT: It is hotter than hell here today. 96* with 100% Humidity....
Yeah, that humidity shit is for the birds. When we left Monterey yesterday is was 65 degrees. Got to Sac and it was 110. But, no humidity. Not looking forward to Missouri weather. Hope you made it home safe, brother.