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Today's Smoke 2019


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Yeah fishing and golf in the same day. Doesnt get much better. I’ll have to check a local shop for some of the southern draw stuff one of these days. It seemed to be pretty hot for a while but I never got around to trying any.
Jacob's Ladder was a bit much for me.... But a good stick all around. Just not a dark and oily kinda guy... I'll have to try some other stuff from them.

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Jacob's Ladder was a bit much for me.... But a good stick all around. Just not a dark and oily kinda guy... I'll have to try some other stuff from them.

Sent from my LGL83BL using Tapatalk
Kudzu is very nice and less potent than Jacobs ladder. The firethorn is a notch down from the Kudzu but I don't like that one as much. This company seems to produce some pretty consistent quality.