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Today’s Bowl 2020

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The Chosen One
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Hmmm can’t get stem off to clean before I lit up... any suggestions? @ak2000 @Sweemzander

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I've read to always remove and put on turning clockwise, if that helps.

Also I've used a dry lubricant on stems that get stuck. I'll have to check what it is when I'm back in the office.


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This is what I use on sticky stems. Make sure to shake it up really well before using.

My Vauen sticks real bad, i tried a dab of liquid wrench dry lube on it but it didnt help but a few times. Im afraid of breaking the stem off. It smokes wet i have to take it apart 4 or 5 times a bowl. I need to get a filter for it...


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My Vauen sticks real bad, i tried a dab of liquid wrench dry lube on it but it didnt help but a few times. Im afraid of breaking the stem off. It smokes wet i have to take it apart 4 or 5 times a bowl. I need to get a filter for it...
Probably need more than a dab. I coated the tenon of my problem pipes with this stuff. Your Vauen takes 9mm filters right? PM me your address and I'll send you some.


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I wonder without killing it, if i took some 1000-2000 grit sand paper to it. Problem is i dont want to put the stem in all the way because of it and it looks goofy.
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