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SoS Offical logo poll

Which logo do you prefer?

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

Results are only viewable after voting.


The Chosen One
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Which logo do you like for our official emblem?


3. (May alter this from the red square to the O in smoke being centered with smoke emitting from it)



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No disrespect to the designers but I think we, the group, could come up with something better. How about you take logos from anyone willing to come up with one. When admin can choose from everyone's finished product, then have your poll. Seems silly to poll when they aren't complete. Just my $0.02


The Chosen One
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No disrespect to the designers but I think we, the group, could come up with something better. How about you take logos from anyone willing to come up with one. When admin can choose from everyone's finished product, then have your poll. Seems silly to poll when they aren't complete. Just my $0.02

I really think this is some good work. Do you have a logo draft to throw in the ring?

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No disrespect to the designers but I think we, the group, could come up with something better. How about you take logos from anyone willing to come up with one. When admin can choose from everyone's finished product, then have your poll. Seems silly to poll when they aren't complete. Just my $0.02

No disrespect taken at all. Just trying to contribute

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Not this minute. But if you give me a week I might be able to give you something. And if I can't I won't say anything more about it. But I'm sure I'm not the only one that has a little skill.
And I'm not saying these aren't good just not the image I got when you described it.


The Chosen One
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Anyone that wants to submit a logo is welcome to as well. This is the first round in narrowing down some choices as I have a few other feelers on logos as well that I am offering fellows but haven’t gotten many responses from a few. So by all means if you have some gfx artists skills and the ability to professionally develope one you will be compensated with some sticks for your help! Would like to have this wrapped up by end of July at latest.


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Gotta be easy to print for stickers, shirts etc...

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Anything is easy to print when u save it as a png that file max resolution to and it will look legit on anything you put it on because it's not full opacity so it'll look all smokey.

I sell plenty of tshirts and stickers those designs will work fine. It'll be on a square but the BG will be translucent