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Receiving Emails


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I keep getting emails from threads that I have responded to stating that a thread that I am watching has a new reply. I have turned off all email alerts in Preferences and in Settings. The only thing that I can do is Unwatch the thread or is there a different work around that I am missing ?


The Chosen One
Staff member
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You need to turn off auto subscribe when you reply to a thread.

1. click on your username in upper right
2. click on Preferences on left hand side
3. uncheck options under Content options


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You need to turn off auto subscribe when you reply to a thread.

1. click on your username in upper right
2. click on Preferences on left hand side
3. uncheck options under Content options
Got it ! Thanks
Well, that will stop your notifications.. You want to change your settings to follow but without emails. Once you're already following a thread, you have to go to that thread to change the settings. I had the same problem on the other board.