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Noob Sampler Trade


The Preacher
Rating - 100%
15   0   0
Eligibility Requirements

SOS New Trader (aka: NT) – NTs are new members who have been active on the board for 7 days or more, have at least 10 posts and less than 3 months active participation on the board.
-Members can participate ONCE as a Noob Trader.
-NTs are encouraged to participate as Established Traders after they been a member for more than 3 months.

SOS Established Trader (aka: ET)- Established members with more than 3 months active participation on the board and 100% feedback rating.

What is the Noob Sampler Trade?

1.) Simply put, Established members (ETs) offer to trade with New Traders (NTs) so that they can establish credibility. The trade can either be a cigar trade or a cigar purchase.

2) The NT sends his/her package first to establish their status as a good faith participant on this board. This is to ensure that someone doesn’t register for the simple purpose of ‘mooching’ cigars from the established members of this board. The NT should also give the ET an idea of cigars that they enjoy. If it's a cash deal you will work out the details with your sponsor via PM.

3) ETs then send cigars worth a little more than what they receive. NTs are treated well in these trades. It should also be noted that noob trades are NOT the appropriate place to send your “dog rockets” or cigars you would like to dispose of – from either end.

4) Participants are encouraged to post pictures of the cigars they receive so that the NT gets credit for their effort, and the ET is held accountable for sending quality cigars.

The Rules

- Members post their desire to participate in the NST, either as an NT or ET and wether they are interested in a cigar trade or cash deal.
- After being placed on the list, the NT will contact the ET that has been assigned to them.
- The NT will post in this thread that they’ve contacted the ET.
- The NST Admin will update the list and status of the trades on a regular basis.

The Process

1) The NT packages and sends their cigars (be sure your package includes your return address) or sends money if it is a cash deal.

2) NT posts that the package is en route (preferably with a Tracking Number)

3) Upon receipt of the package, the ET acknowledges receipt (preferably with a picture)

4) ET leaves trader feedback for the NT.

5) The ET will post that the return package is en route (preferably with a Tracking Number).

6) Upon receipt of the package, the NT will acknowledge receipt (preferably with a picture).

7) NT leaves trader feedback for the ET.

8.) Finally, the NT and ET relax in the comfort of a well completed trade... and enjoy their cigars!


The Preacher
Rating - 100%
15   0   0
Alright folks here we go! Established members that are interested in being an Established Trader please let me know so I can start a list, also please let me know wether you would be interested in facilitating a cigar trade, cash deal or both.

Current Established Traders:
@Tyler86 - Both
@Sweemzander - Cash
@Bostoneo - Cash
@mitetak - Cash preffered
@themischman - Cash
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