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I saw a cow that had fell through the floor of a trailer & ran over with the trailer on day on patrol. It didn’t have much hide left & was in bad shape. We had to put it down & get the county to come pick it up with a front end loader & dump truck.

Then another time early one morning a guy hit a horse in the road. It was foggy & the horse was facing him. So, it basically gutted the horse from head to tail. The whole inside of the car was covered in guts, blood, & shit. The only clean place was the drivers seat where the guy was setting. It was a perfect outline of him, & he was covered in shit!!!


Corona Gorda
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I saw a cow that had fell through the floor of a trailer & ran over with the trailer on day on patrol. It didn’t have much hide left & was in bad shape. We had to put it down & get the county to come pick it up with a front end loader & dump truck.

Then another time early one morning a guy hit a horse in the road. It was foggy & the horse was facing him. So, it basically gutted the horse from head to tail. The whole inside of the car was covered in guts, blood, & shit. The only clean place was the drivers seat where the guy was setting. It was a perfect outline of him, & he was covered in shit!!!

Hated to mess with vehicular butchery. Damn animals will flat out jack a car up. But hey, free hamburger meat.......


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Leaf by Oscar has some other stuff out, ive searched and cant find shit on the web! What do i not know about LBO? If someone would like to retort. (Not my pics)Screenshot_20181012-185127_Facebook.jpgScreenshot_20181012-185131_Facebook.jpg


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Whats a good tv series to watch. Im more into mafia and war stuff, almost done with Sopranos, ive seen Boardwalk empire, working on peeky blinders, and got. Anything worth watching?


No more Elvis Trump
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Whats a good tv series to watch. Im more into mafia and war stuff, almost done with Sopranos, ive seen Boardwalk empire, working on peeky blinders, and got. Anything worth watching?
My Wife and I are almost finished with Mad Men, it was created by one of the writers for the Sapranos :cool:.
Very good show also if you haven't yet, watch the first season of True Detective (y)(y)(y)


The Chosen One
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Whats a good tv series to watch. Im more into mafia and war stuff, almost done with Sopranos, ive seen Boardwalk empire, working on peeky blinders, and got. Anything worth watching?

Does game of thrones count as war? Winter is coming.

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