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  1. kit_luce

    Pipe Works

    I think it looks cool, strong work man
  2. kit_luce

    Latest beverage purchase

    Picked up a four pack each of Dragon's Milk and Breakfast Stout, a 12 pack of Yuengling Black and Tan, and I have finally found something worth buying, at 27 on sale, I was happy with it.
  3. kit_luce

    Bottle Completionist Club

    At the rate I'm going that probably about when lol...I just found a bottle if EW SiB Vintage for 27 I picked up. To you both, no bombing, and as far as a herf, we will overtake hoppy when his ass moves lol
  4. kit_luce

    Bottle Completionist Club

    @gurgalunas you comfortable shipping new bottles? Whenever I am looking to buy again (might be a while) I'm going to need a plug, we have a zero to negative selection of anything small batch in my area. All I ever see is commercial stuff that can be had at Walmart or meijer etc...
  5. kit_luce

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Thanks @Glassman sneaking one in during my webinar
  6. kit_luce

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Oh cool, ya I would say that is a clencher
  7. kit_luce

    Looking for recommendations

    @Hipstersean crossroads has a couple tins of stuff like that, they are behind the door when you walk in. Besides half the time you burn a robusto down in 30minutes lol
  8. kit_luce

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    That's a very intriguing pipe, does it smoke hot?
  9. kit_luce

    Cellophane and Age

    You could have just asked me at home lol
  10. kit_luce

    Tavour app for beer buying

    Good gravy man, did that come on a pallet?
  11. kit_luce

    Bottle Completionist Club

    I second this
  12. kit_luce

    Humidors - Let's see how you store your cigars

    No I just bought extra to send bombs pre-basketed
  13. kit_luce

    Pipe Works

    Looks killer man
  14. kit_luce

    Is this still an active forum?

    Welcome from Indiana
  15. kit_luce

    Latest Pipe/Tobacco Purchase

    Well...thats... different
  16. kit_luce

    Cigar ID help

    Its 100% tobacco, definitely a cigar. Hope I helped.
  17. kit_luce

    Pray for me

    Damn man hopefully things turn up for you
  18. kit_luce

    Made it over here finally
