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Today’s Workout


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Got this in before bed last night.

Warm Up

The Work
A1. 1-armKB press x 6/6
A2. KB seesaw press x 6/6
A3. KB military press x 6
A4. KD thruster x 6
A5. KB gorilla rows x 12/12
A6. Overhand pull up x 8
x 5 rounds
A1 - A5 use the same weight.

Have a good weekend, hopefully everyone has nice smoking weather!


Hypertrophy day just for the fun of it

Hammer Strength Incline Press - 3*12 +drop set for 18 total reps

Body Masters P-300 Power Squat - Pyramid from 12rm -> 6rm +Drop set for 9 total reps

Hammer Strength Decline Press - Pyramid from 14rm -> 6rm, Drop set for 12 reps total

Assisted pull-up/dip super set 3*10

Rear Delt Row 3*10, drop set for 15 total rows

10 minutes on the elliptical to cool down followed by 10 minutes in the sauna

Yes, I know it isn't balanced. Yesterday was full body with two leg and two back exercises for balance.


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Hypertrophy day just for the fun of it

Hammer Strength Incline Press - 3*12 +drop set for 18 total reps

Body Masters P-300 Power Squat - Pyramid from 12rm -> 6rm +Drop set for 9 total reps

Hammer Strength Decline Press - Pyramid from 14rm -> 6rm, Drop set for 12 reps total

Assisted pull-up/dip super set 3*10

Rear Delt Row 3*10, drop set for 15 total rows

10 minutes on the elliptical to cool down followed by 10 minutes in the sauna

Yes, I know it isn't balanced. Yesterday was full body with two leg and two back exercises for balance.
Balanced or not you still got after it!
Now you’re ready for the weekend.


Balanced or not you still got after it!
Now you’re ready for the weekend.
Thanks. I am a bit jelly of that KB work though. That is brutal, but it is great for building conditioning and strength. My strength endurance isn't even on that level. Three rounds and I would be ready to tap out.

I need to work more dynamic stuff and farmer's walks in to the program.


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Thanks. I am a bit jelly of that KB work though. That is brutal, but it is great for building conditioning and strength. My strength endurance isn't even on that level. Three rounds and I would be ready to tap out.

I need to work more dynamic stuff and farmer's walks in to the program.
I’ll send you a couple programs I’ve been using.
Before covid hit, I was training 3, maybe 4 days a week. Nothing toooo crazy, just standard weight training.
Then things changed, I was working from home, gyms closed, I discovered Jocko Willink, and I made a decision to work out as much as possible to stay sane, and stay ahead of the covid-15 (pounds).
I did 100 days in a row in 2020, and that set me in motion to just keep going.
Now I’m at 6 or 7 days a week where I do kettlebell conditioning, steel mace workouts (no mace flow stuff, just me swinging the mace around using programming I like), heavy bag workouts and running.
Check your messages, I’ll send some links!
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I’ll send you a couple programs I’ve been using.
Before covid hit, I was training 3, maybe 4 days a week. Nothing toooo crazy, just standard weight training.
Then things changed, I was working from home, gyms closed, I discovered Jocko Willink, and I made a decision to work out as much as possible to stay sane, and stay ahead of the covid-15 (pounds).
I did 100 days in a row in 2020, and that set me in motion to just keep going.
Now I’m at 6 or 7 days a week where I do kettlebell conditioning, steel mace workouts (no mace flow stuff, just me swinging the mace around using programming I like), heavy bag workouts and running.
Check your messages, I’ll send some links!

Jocko is awesome. I got the Warrior Kid books for my kid and read Extreme Ownership twice. I take a little more Eastern approach to things now though. I found myself losing balance following Jocko's stuff.

JM Blakely is pretty awesome for melding the discipline and eastern mindset with western style. He is also an awesome strength coach and power lifter.



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Jocko is awesome. I got the Warrior Kid books for my kid and read Extreme Ownership twice. I take a little more Eastern approach to things now though. I found myself losing balance following Jocko's stuff.

JM Blakely is pretty awesome for melding the discipline and eastern mindset with western style. He is also an awesome strength coach and power lifter.

I get what you are saying about losing balance with by only following Jocko's stuff.
A quick read of JM's site and I can see what you mean about bringing the eastern mindset and western style, and that is really cool.
I'm going to have to dig in a bit deeper and check him out!


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Warm up
10 anchor squat/hinged transition
10 halo extensions
10 squats
5 straight jumps
5 pushups
:30 sec hinged hold

The Work
5L, 5R push press
10 halo extensions
x 5 rounds
20 sled drags (20yds / 100lbs)
400m sprint (substitute for airdyne)
100 hollow rocks
25 partial dowel pull-over
25 abmat situps


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Generalist training day
Warm up
5 min stretching

The Work
1200m run as fast as possible
2x bodyweight jump rope (330 jumps)
Odd lifts work
Tall slam ball, short slam ball, hi wall ball, slam ball back squats
Mace front and rear pendulums, rear to front pendulum, 10-2’s, 360’s
KB figure 8’s, flips, hi toss
25 mace good mornings
100 KB 1-arm swings (10x5L, 5R)


Today was twenty minutes of mobility work before heading to work.

It wasn't anything major. It was basically a mix of foam rolling and dynamic stretching with a few static holds.

Tuesday was strength work.
Bench 3x70%, 3x80%, 3+x90%(rep PR)
Pause squat 5x5 @ 80%
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 3*10
Hack Press 3*10 + 1 drop set 10->6->3
Knee Raises


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This morning was heavy bag work.
Warm up

The Work
3:00 rounds
:30 sec rest
5 pull-ups immediately following each round
8 rounds

  • Round 1 - jabs only
  • Round 2 - lead hand uppercut, hook, shovel hook, etc followed by 2 more punches
  • Round 3 - begin each combo with power hand, followed by 2 more punches
  • Round 4 - combo work
  • Round 5 - close fighting, working on punching scenarios in tight situations.
  • Round 6 - punch and duck
  • Round 7 - all punches and combos off of footwork
  • Round 8 - endurance punching; throw combos and punches for 20 second, keep hands up and rest for 20, repeat.


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Been on vacation, haven't set the routine I planned on, because the wife has been keeping me busy shoveling tons of dirt, compost, and mulch.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Nice work, looking good!
What will you be planting?


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Warm up

The Work
20 minute countdown clock
20 1-arm kb swings, left
100 jumpropes
20 1-arm kb swings, right
100 jumpropes
5 inchworm pushups
5 burpees
:15 sec rest
I completed 5 rounds. 20 lb kb for 3 rounds, 35 lb kb the remaining 2.
100 abmat situps
50 prison situps
400m sprint


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Warm Up
5 mins stretching

The Work
Dead lift
3 x 5 @ 80% 2 RM
3 x 5 @ 70% 2 RM
No barbells in my basement, so I used an 80 lb heavy bag and various lift methods to increase/decrease difficulty
5 x 1L, 1R Turkish Get Up’s 35 lb. kb
5 x 5L, 5R bent-over row 45 lb. kb
5 x 5L, 5R mace shovels w 8 kg. mace
500 jump rope
:30 sec plank while wearing a 40 lb. pack
25 cat/cow stretches


Decided to squeeze in a kettlebell workout since the employee "gym" is open now.

8 push press/side
8 goblet squats
8 good mornings
8 bent over rows/side
8 low incline single arm bench press / side

Count to ten between exercises and wait two minutes between rounds.
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4:30 wake up

Warm up
5 mins stretching

The Work
A1. KB 1-arm military press x 6/6
A2. Weighted (20lbs) neutral grip chin-ups x 6
x 5 rounds

B1. KB thruster x 8
B2. Bodyweight overhand grip pull-ups x 8
x 5 rounds


Full Body High Volume

Leg Press: Warm Up: 2x10
Work Sets 4x15

Kneeling Leg Curl: Work Set 4x15

Chest Press: Work Set 4*12

Iso Lateral Row: Warm Up 1x10, 1x8
Work Sets 4x12

Iso Lateral Pulldown: Work Set 4x12

Shoulder Press: Work Set 3x15

Tricep Rope Press Down / Bicep Rope Curl super set:
2x12, Drop set starting at 5rm and dropping weight one increment and doing 5 reps continued until five reps is no longer possible