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Noob Sampler Trade


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Tim came through with a helluva return fire today! A couple of favorites, a bunch of NHIE, and some WTH is that?!?! So @mitetak, what is the unbanded CC, and the one with the ribbon on the foot?

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By unbanded CC I assume you mean third from the left with the handwritten band on it? Johnny O Robusto Extra - rolled July? August? (it says on the band) 2018.

The white banded foot is the Crowned Heads Paniolo from 2016 (hawaii exclusive to R Fields)

Also if you're not familiar - the one in the center with the red/white/blue band is Willys Cigars from Puerto Rico (@willyscigars • Instagram photos and videos)


Petite Lancero
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By unbanded CC I assume you mean third from the left with the handwritten band on it? Johnny O Robusto Extra - rolled July? August? (it says on the band) 2018.

The white banded foot is the Crowned Heads Paniolo from 2016 (hawaii exclusive to R Fields)

Also if you're not familiar - the one in the center with the red/white/blue band is Willys Cigars from Puerto Rico (@willyscigars • Instagram photos and videos)

Ah! For some reason I couldn’t figured out the JO acronym! Lol. I had a feeling that it was a Paniolo, which is really cool. Now I have one of each of that series! That Willys smells amazing and has got to be one of the oilyest (sp?) wrappers I’ve ever seen!

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The camaro show

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Did this happen? We’re cigars traded? Was feed back given? I see no pics of what was received? @The camaro show ?

Stupid Tapatalk
Yes this happened it was a cash deal for $100. I’m sorry I’ve been behind just been busy and packing for the move. I received a great trade that I can’t say thank you enough! I will give feedback and pics shall come shortly. Tonight if I can get the humi out of the car or tomorrow once everything is unpacked!


The Preacher
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So when am fortunate enough to trade or be bombed by someone as generous as @Sweemzander , I take a pic as soon as I unpack, before they hit storage, and post so i don’t forget. The only time I don’t is if it’s not a public trade or split. Just a friendly tip.

That’s some good advice @Tyler86 , that is exactly what I do as well. As soon as I open a package I take a picture because I know how easily things can get backed up and a mess!

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