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Today’s Bowl 2020

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Packed about a third of a bowl of haunted bookshop when I had about 15 minutes to kill. Tasted good but hot not sure because of it being 1/3 of a bowl or being 86 degrees outside.View attachment 4729

Just cause you load a whole pipe, doesn’t mean ya gotta smoke it all! Light it again later, or dump it out. It’s like $0.50 a bowl brah! Dumping half a bowl is less of a waste than firing up 1/3 bowl that’s gonna smoke like ass balls. IMO.

Stupid Tapatalk


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C&D Sunset Harbor Flake in my Caminetto Business

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It's a Castello kinda day, C&D Kelley's Coin in the Sea Rock earlier and now smoking some (anonomously gifted) GH Rum Twist in the Old Antiquari. Pipes are roughly the same size, camera perspective looks like one is a lot smaller.

Someone send me 3/4 of a pound of tobacco from Boswell's with no note. I'm totally floored by the generosity and would like to thank this person, so I've got a mystery to figure out.

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