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Fish Pics!!!!


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If only the damn ice would go away. I dont ice fish. Story time! Me and a buddy went out on my 12' john boat after ice out for crappy, big storm pushed in about an hour on water. Waves were crashing over the sides so we hauled ass back to dock. We had to make a turn but a wave i didnt see was bearing down on us. Soon as we turned the wave sucked us down and up and over. Capsized in the middle of the lake, the anchor was attatched to the motor and i couldnt pull it up, we sat in 32ish degree water for over an houe. People driving by never saw us, but one guy did. Turns out he was a preacher. He said God told him to take a drive around the lake that day. Saved our ass. Fire rescue squad was dispatched and we were recovered. Spent 2 days in the hospital for hypothermia.


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Nice little surprise !!!

Fish in the cooler.

Not the dip in the cold lake. That is a really bad type of surprise !


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Oh I see what’s going on here. You just had to one up me huh. Beautiful fish brother !
Haha thanks man.
Any day on the water is a good day, fish are just a nice perk! Especially with a fly rod in hand.
Those rainbows fight a hell of a lot harder then browns, and they sometimes throw in some great acrobatic jumps you just don’t get in browns or brook trout.
Dry fly, nymph or steamer on that guy?


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Haha thanks man.
Any day on the water is a good day, fish are just a nice perk! Especially with a fly rod in hand.
Those rainbows fight a hell of a lot harder then browns, and they sometimes throw in some great acrobatic jumps you just don’t get in browns or brook trout.
Dry fly, nymph or steamer on that guy?
Tandem nymph rig. I was heading back to my car and this was the very last hole before the trail back to the parking lot so I figured meh might as well chuck a couple quick casts through it.