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Society of Smoke

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Howdy. Still around. Just saying hi, haven't been on in a while. How are yall?
Hey Gary, doing well! You?
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Trying to clear some stuff out of the tuppers. Got a new guy at work I'm training, he smokes. Navy guy. I've been taking a couple to work on Fridays, drink a beer and chill when the day is done. Good dude. I've been smoking on the pipes more than anything lately which reminds me I'm almost out of Trout Stream @Bostoneo
ruh ro, idk if i have any left :p its probably in the hoard of opened stuff i have hehe
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Anybody else get the turkey shits this year? Any sort of incline is a no go. Warning, you will be exremely gassy, but bad judgment will make it extremely moist. Use caution.
had the farts. all good. i didnt blow out lol
but, now im suppose to cook prime rib for christmas. anybody have any pointers? ive never done it they are asking to much from me
I like to do rib roast on grill, low n slow within 110 degrees and then start searing it to get that wonderful flavor. If too cold, theres a method where ya get your oven ripping hot and then turn it off with the roast inside (DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR).
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Happy Thanksgiving all! Lets take this time to remember that we all should be grateful for what we have, even in this crazy world now.

Peace and love!
New family. His name is Hawk. He is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.20210918_153218.jpg
Any hunters at all?
He's a handsome boy!
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Sup. All is well. been really busy here lately. Smoked my last Nick & Jim P.B.E. the other day, kinda feel bad about it although it was kick ass. Going back to work tomorrow, been on vaca for a week, see yall later. Hope everybody had some sweet Holiday stuff going on. Bought a bad ass American made flag pole for the 4th instead of trash. Not doing china made bullshit fire works this year, they can suck all two inches. see you guys later.
I just stumbled across this site, it looks like a great site. Glad to be here. I am currently listening to a audiobook version of LOTR and smoking a Person 20th CT.