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Just finished this one, my wife suggested it for her monthly book club and after she read she told me I should, so I said ok........HOLY fuck! Great book, but not what I was expecting.......I recommend it.


Just started this one......23 pgs in not sure I am going to finish it.



Double Corona
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Finished up Strangers last night. Middle of the book was a tough slog. It was meh overall.

Read half of this. Dont think I'll finish it, even though Golf is a huge part of my life.

Just bought this to start tonight:



Double Corona
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Finished the above book, 6 days of the condor tonight. Only 160 pages or so. About 4 hours reading. I read fast.
Very good read if you're into spy/ espionage stories. Curious about the movie, but Redford, I believe, is in it. Not much for watching anti- American actors these days....