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  1. ThatChickenGuy

    5 Vegas Friggin A

    Hi all! So I thought I'd post an honest review of the 5 Vegas Friggin' A. I bought a 5 pack of these way back when I first started to explore cigars. Got a 'really good deal' on CBid - pretty sure I spent ~12 bucks for the pack. New smoker that I was thought 'holy crap! That's bigger than a...
  2. ThatChickenGuy

    Coffee Dreams

    So, I just got a coffee pot for my little corner of the workplace. Been relying on a keurig for a while and... it gets the job done, but I go through a lot of coffee. I'd love to get a good coffee for work - I gotta be here 8+ hours a day, y'know? So... where do you get your coffee? What are...
  3. ThatChickenGuy

    Hi! Again...

    Hey y'all! nathanw13 from the other board checking in! I'm just happy to be here.