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  1. ThatChickenGuy

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    Ok, loosened up my budget a little to make room for this... Looking forward to my first shipment!
  2. ThatChickenGuy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Redeemed! DE Norteno, much better than the first stick of the day. I didn't get to finish this one - the storms rolled and made it impossible to stay outside and enjoy it.
  3. ThatChickenGuy

    5 Vegas Friggin A

    Hi all! So I thought I'd post an honest review of the 5 Vegas Friggin' A. I bought a 5 pack of these way back when I first started to explore cigars. Got a 'really good deal' on CBid - pretty sure I spent ~12 bucks for the pack. New smoker that I was thought 'holy crap! That's bigger than a...
  4. ThatChickenGuy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Don't know why I've been skipping this stick for so long. Decent smoke out by the fire.
  5. ThatChickenGuy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    CAO Brazilia - good, but grassy. Not like hay; a little greener than I prefer.
  6. ThatChickenGuy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Enjoying what I'm pretty sure is my first Tat. Wow, these things are smoke factories!
  7. ThatChickenGuy

    Coffee Dreams

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I don't have anything too local - nothing short of an hour drive anyway. Great suggestions here - will order something soon!
  8. ThatChickenGuy

    Coffee Dreams

    So, I just got a coffee pot for my little corner of the workplace. Been relying on a keurig for a while and... it gets the job done, but I go through a lot of coffee. I'd love to get a good coffee for work - I gotta be here 8+ hours a day, y'know? So... where do you get your coffee? What are...
  9. ThatChickenGuy

    Hi! Again...

    Hey y'all! nathanw13 from the other board checking in! I'm just happy to be here.