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  1. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Serie V Melanio with some Panamanian coffee
  2. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    C&D OJK Blue in a Heisenberg Dublin
  3. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Drucquer & Sons The Devils Own in an Armentrout Apple
  4. OneStrangeOne

    Latest Pipe/Tobacco Purchase

    Cleaning supplies and air freshener,
  5. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

  6. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    C&D Bayou Morning in an Il Ceppo Brandy
  7. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Astleys #44 in a Frank Thunder Poker
  8. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Viaje Hamaki Omakase with a cup of Blue Mountain coffee,
  9. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    MF FdlA and ICC coffee
  10. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Cabbies Mixture in a Mastro de Paja paneled Dublin
  11. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Ah, so You’re the one that snagged my meer! JK, it’s a great looking piece! I’ve actually had my eye on the same one for a while, just haven’t ever pulled the trigger on one.
  12. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    La Paulina Family Series, Alison with a cup of Ethiopian coffee
  13. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Debonair with ICC coffee,
  14. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    AVO Nicaraguan,
  15. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Astleys #44 in an Armentrout Apple
  16. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    El Baracho with a cup of Blue Mountain coffee
  17. OneStrangeOne

    Interesting afternoon!

    They haven’t said, when I drove by there was two teenagers wrestling around (kickboxing gloves) one of the neighbors who is closest said that right before it happened one of the kids was chasing the other one around the stand pointing something at him, she said she thought it was a lighter, I’m...
  18. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    CH Sanctuary with an ICC blend
  19. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Illusione Rothchildes
  20. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Solani 660 in a Julius Vesz Billiard