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  1. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Brown Flake in a Bill Walther Squashed Tomato
  2. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

  3. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Lot 23 and Jet fuel coffee
  4. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Solani 660 in an Il Duca Apple,
  5. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Serie V Melanio with a cup of Costa Rican
  6. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    2010 Stonehaven in a Ryan Alden Apple
  7. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    OJK Blue in an Il Ceppo Brandy
  8. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Tat Miami with a cup of Costa Rican
  9. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Their good, I think the potential is there for em to be really good with maybe another years rest. Might be a bit overpriced
  10. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Nicaraguan overrun with some ICC Jet Fuel
  11. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Cabbies Mixture in a Frank Thunder Poker
  12. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    D&S The Devils Own in a Mastro de Paja Dublin
  13. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Crowned Heads Sanctuary with a cup of Costa Rican coffee,
  14. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    it‘s definitely a go to work blend. The Vesz tends to get a bit hot at the very bottom of a bowl so I need to build a bit of cake in the heel. CH will build a neutral cake faster to anything else I know of!
  15. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Dark Birdseye in a Robert Grey Bamboo Dog
  16. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Carter Hall in a Julius Vesz’handcut’ billiard
  17. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Diesel Uncut with Blue Mountain coffee,
  18. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Tat TAA 16 with a cup of Blue Mountain coffee,
  19. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Millennium in honor of a fallen brother
  20. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    The Judge with a cup of Costa Rican,