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  1. Redneck_toy

    What are you reading?

    Watchers is awesome, I think you'll enjoy it. I'm a huge Koontz fan.
  2. Redneck_toy

    Reloading Equipment

    Dillon presses are the shit. The 550 has been on my wish list for 5+ years now. Sitting on thousands of 9mm, 5.56, and .38 spl. brass. Just havent pulled the trigger yet. Golf eats up all my free time. One day....
  3. Redneck_toy

    cigars are good. I like cigars.

    Welcome from the Panhandle of Texas.
  4. Redneck_toy

    The what are you drinking today thread.

    Miller lite Michelada. Pronounced (MEESH-a- lada) Love these things, but too many is dangerous the next day. Pretty spicy.
  5. Redneck_toy

    Hello from Miami

    Welcome from Texas
  6. Redneck_toy

    Noob at Society of Smoke!!! A Current and Good Standing member of BOTL!!!!

    Welcome from Texas! Thank you for your service.
  7. Redneck_toy


    6 over for a 41 on a par 35. (9 holes) Not my best, but not too bad.
  8. Redneck_toy

    What are you reading?

    Just started this today:
  9. Redneck_toy


    Welcome to the dark side, my young padawan. BTW, those A-crops will fly your way Friday. Been super busy here
  10. Redneck_toy

    Today's Smoke 2019

  11. Redneck_toy

    Baby Bomb!

    Very nice! Congrats, preach!!
  12. Redneck_toy


    Did you know that 94% of all Fords sold in the last 20 years are still on the road? The other 6% actually got to where they were going
  13. Redneck_toy


    Welcome from the panhandle. Remember you from the "other" board. Starts with B, ends in L... And I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford personally. Ford- Quality is definitely NOT job one any longer.
  14. Redneck_toy

    What are you reading?

    After finishing Lone Survivor tonight (for the second time) did a little sleuthing on the interwebs and found this. Tells the story of the Marines that hunted Shah down (after Operation Red Wings) Military biographies are one of my favorite reads.
  15. Redneck_toy

    Other Hobbies

    Cigars and golf are my primary hobbies now. Play around 60 rds or so a year. Not sure which hobby ive got more money invested in. It's close, I'm sure
  16. Redneck_toy

    What are you reading?

    Just finished this. Good read.
  17. Redneck_toy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Laranga after mowing the front yard (twice) this afternoon. My dumbass thought it was a good idea to double up on fertilizer this spring. Mowing every three days, or having to mow twice to get it back to normal height. SMH Sure is green though....
  18. Redneck_toy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    It was a great smoke. Thanks again.
  19. Redneck_toy

    Today's Smoke 2019

    Quai D'Orsay thanks to Mickey, @irratebass
  20. Redneck_toy

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    Latest Cigarpage purchase with free Palio cutter Laranga and LFD Airbenders