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  1. H

    Bottle Completionist Club

    My last few pours came from this bottle as it was it was one of three Elijah Craig's I have and I wanted to finish it off. Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  2. H

    The what are you drinking today thread.

    Opened this bottle today, part of a single barrel purchase by the Saints and Sinners (Tatuaje fan club). Had a pour already, probably some more later. Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  3. H


    Going to be lurking here like all the other forums, but wanted to make sure I was registered to get in on John's maxxxprofits splits.
  4. H

    Sup brooooooooo

    Well, at least this will cause Chuck to have to spread his trolling time even more thin, which should be a net win for cigar forums.