Yeah I like those better too, but realistically they don't really fit the aesthetic of the site. Too feminine and I guess the tall thin layout won't work for this. It's too bad I think that one is really interesting visually.
Those ones are like...greeting card wedding invitation style kinda...
Anything is easy to print when u save it as a png that file max resolution to and it will look legit on anything you put it on because it's not full opacity so it'll look all smokey.
I sell plenty of tshirts and stickers those designs will work fine. It'll be on a square but the BG will be...
afaik it doesnt really mean anything, there are just varying shades in the wrappers of CCs but theyre the same leaves and all. it seems like the darker wrapper ones might be more sought after for some reason, but theres a site where a guy assigns classifications of quality by wrapper color when...
fill it halfway with water and then put a bunch of cedar chips in it, then leave it open out in the heat. make some wood tea inside, drink the tea and your cooler wont smell like plastic anymore.