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Pipe Works


Corona Gorda
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What it is

Bright light



Normal light


Stupid Tapatalk
Love it! The grain looks awesome on that one.


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I think it's more the grading than where it comes from. Some info here:
Mark Tinsky - Briar Blocks for Pipe Kits - American Smoking Pipe Co.

Yeah I've read all of that. There are very limited resources that I have found on the matter. Every cutter/supplier also seems to have there own sizing and grading scale. Prices seem to be higher based on availability "due to aging process". You can get good to great quality from different countries. Plateau is better "fire" grain. For rusticated pipes that doesn't matter. Hence the question about preferred briars, if known (I know it's not always disclosed by makers).


The Chosen One
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tyler, you should make some pipes and sell them, some these ppl carve these pipes and try to sell them for $800, iam like whaaaaa, I don't even know who you are, at these pipe shows lol


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It's definitely a thought. But I'm far from that point. I'm trying to get set up to make my own stems 100%. Hopefully by next week. Plus I'm still learning a ton. Haven't even started thinking about banding or shank extensions.

Stupid Tapatalk