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  1. T

    Draw Tool Showdown

    I have been eyeing the Redeemer but I can’t bring myself to pay what they are asking. I can buy both a modus and a perfecdraw for that price.
  2. T

    Draw Tool Showdown

    I had a perfecdraw and it worked very well. The other day my perfectdraw went missing. I bought another. I maybe shoulda bought a modus, I like the all in one design... maybe next time
  3. T

    Super Noob

    Welcome B!
  4. T

    Super Noob

    Anything??? Really???
  5. T

    Greetings from Long Island!!

    Hey from Texas!
  6. T


    Hey neighbor
  7. T

    New member

    whats up my TEXAS BROTHER!
  8. T

    I guess i gotta do this too

    sup clive...
  9. T


    That's a tough one.... pour the miller lite on the ground. The hippo will smell it and start marking its territiory.. the gurkha would also work as a turd ...... and possibly stop the hippo. the picture of Harpo? the hippo would see mom and calm down......
  10. T


    Thanks guys
  11. T


    It’s all good... I take it all in stride. My 02 z71 on the track does pretty well. Most people see it and want to race me ......once... lol
  12. T


    Lol I got one that runs quite well.......
  13. T


    Lol funny... I get ribbed by my ford, dodge and tundra driving friends ... but I’m the first person they call when they’re Broke down or stuck on the side of the road or stuck on the boat ramp. Lol
  14. T


    Hey from Texas! Been around on other boards.