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  1. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    C&D Bayou Morning in a Ryan Alden Apple,
  2. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GL Pease Telegraph Hill in a Tinsky Dublin
  3. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Tat Miami and a cup of Rwandan coffee,
  4. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Tat Havana and Sumatra coffee
  5. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Ennerdale Flake in a Peterson Aran 69,
  6. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    C&D Three Friars in an Amorelli chimney
  7. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    AVO Heritage and a cup of Rwandan coffee
  8. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    WCC in a Julius Vesz Billiard
  9. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Dias Gloria with a cup of Ethiopian coffee
  10. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GL Pease Telegraph Hill in a Stanwell/Ivarsson
  11. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Padron 2000 and a dark roast Sumatra
  12. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Dark Birdseye in a Robert Grey Bamboo Dog
  13. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    2011 Marlin flake in a Frank Thunder Poker,
  14. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Once I got mine broke in it smokes like a champ! Hope your‘s smokes as well!
  15. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    Tobac Manil La Brumeuse in a Castello paneled pot
  16. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Boondock Saint with a cup of Rwandan coffee
  17. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    C&D Three Friars in a Nording Freehand
  18. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Bobs Chocolate Flake in a Carolina Gent
  19. OneStrangeOne

    Today's Smoke 2020

    #TatTuesday, ME with a cup of Ethiopian coffee
  20. OneStrangeOne

    Today’s Bowl 2020

    GH&Co Brown Flake in a Ryan Alden Cutty