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Recent content by Unfairtoast

  1. Unfairtoast

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    Those little lunatics are good. But I never remember if I like the gold or the silver....so I end up buying both
  2. Unfairtoast

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    Quick glance those looked like 5 Vegas. I was about to say "John has smoked through all of smallbatch and has started on Cigars International"
  3. Unfairtoast

    Curivari makes cigars for "other" brands?

    Which one are you looking for? Because egars.com has most/if not all in stock
  4. Unfairtoast

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    I just jump on hype trains.
  5. Unfairtoast

    Today's Smoke 2020

  6. Unfairtoast

    Mixed drinks

    https://www.liquor.com/recipes/caipirinha/ Be careful though.....
  7. Unfairtoast

    Today's Smoke 2020

  8. Unfairtoast

    Today's Smoke 2020

  9. Unfairtoast

    Today's Smoke 2020

  10. Unfairtoast

    Add a little privacy to your life

    I've run into a couple sites that it doesn't work on, but 99% of the time it works 100% of the time.
  11. Unfairtoast

    Latest Cigar Purchase

    What's the dog paw?
  12. Unfairtoast

    What games do you have that you haven't played or finished yet?

    Get the witcher stop buying skyrim. 😘 https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/07/10/todd-howard-if-you-want-us-to-stop-releasing-skyrim-ports-stop-buying-them
  13. Unfairtoast

    What Are You Listening To

    Just to keep it weird