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Recent content by Pennywise827

  1. Pennywise827

    Game of thrones season 8

    Omfg this thread has me 'splainin myself....I cackled.
  2. Pennywise827

    Pray for me

    John Im going through a recent upheaval at home myself....feel free to reach out if you need to talk.
  3. Pennywise827

    Beads or No?

    Fuckin amateur hour bro.
  4. Pennywise827

    Beads or No?

    @BigSkySmoke I wouldn't gnaw off yer junk broski.
  5. Pennywise827

    Cave Herf

    Yup REO speedwagon and Rush is your jams. Give me Floyd, Tool, and deftones all day.
  6. Pennywise827

    Cave Herf

    And yes Harlan thinks anything heavier than Harry Connick Jr is grunge. Surprise Arizona raisin ranchers.....I tell ya.
  7. Pennywise827

    Cave Herf

    Hey Harlan....been there done that.
  8. Pennywise827

    Met Ken Griffey, Jr. Today...

    Or try unsuccessfully to again convince us male gymnasts aren't all into other dudes.
  9. Pennywise827

    Met Ken Griffey, Jr. Today...

    Dafuq? Im universally loved.
  10. Pennywise827

    Super Noob

  11. Pennywise827

    Cigar band art

    So at a craft show....prolly 35 bucks. On a cigar website....50. We know how much that poor bastard paid to make that, so we're likely to be more susceptible.
  12. Pennywise827

    Another guy from Kansas City

    Where is Outlaw North moving? Oh welcome from KC...LOL
  13. Pennywise827

    SoS Swag: Sticker/Magnet Drive

    Got mine today